56°.02 N 3°.41’W South side of the River Forth at its commercial navigable limits.
Entrance to Grangemouth docks is through an entrance lock which operates 24 hours / 7 days except on 1st January and 25th December. Lock dimensions are 237.60 x 31.00 metres, (29.00 metres between fenders).
Maximum size of vessel which can be handled:
The approach channel from Hen & Chicken Buoy to entrance lock is maintained at a dredged depth of 6.00 metres below Admiralty chart datum.
Air Draft restrictions apply for the Forth Rail and Road bridges normal allowable height above chart datum is 49.20m however if maintenance platforms are in place this will be reduced by further 2.7m. Any vessels which come near these restrictions must consult with Forth and Tay Navigation prior arrival.
Grangemouth Dock Water density 1020. Not guaranteed.
For Tide Tables for 2019 - Please Click Here
Owned and operated by Svitzer Marine Ltd.
2 Voith Schneider tractor tugs. Bollard pull: 1 x 37 tonnes and 1 x 25 tonnes.
Tugs use ship’s lines, vessels are met at Hen and Chicken buoy. Prevailing wind is SW. Manoeuvring at the lock entrance can be difficult during heavy weather or if wind shifts Easterly.
Principal Dry cargo berths are in the Grange Dock: The North Wall and the East Wall are mainly used for General Cargoes such as forest products, Steel and Bulk. Craneage available 4 x Sennebogan 870 Mobile Materials handlers..
The Container Terminal is located on the South Wall served by 3 x Ship to Shore Container Gantry cranes. Maximum permissable weight for Gantry Cranes is 40 tonnes.
There is a fixed ro/ro ramp strengthened for indivisible loads of up to 1000 tonnes.
Working Hours – Dry cargo:
Mondays to Friday 0800 – 1700 hours. Actual working hours subject to the handling agreement and labour availability.
Working Hours – Container Terminal:
Landside for receipt/collection containers 0600-1945Hrs Monday to Thursday, 0600-1845Hrs Friday.
Shipside - 24hrs a day / 7 days a week
Supplies (Bunkers / FW / Stores / Repairs)
Bunkers - can be supplied using road cars. Prior agreement is required. Shipchandler, laundry, deck/engine repairs, nav aid repairs all available. Fresh Water – available ex quay.
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